Complaints office Lower Austria

Have you discovered a barrier on a website or app of a public body in Lower Austria? Here you will find a summary of the next steps.

Which websites/apps in Lower Austria must be accessible?

Information on the internet should be easily accessible for everyone. So-called public bodies must therefore make websites and apps accessible. These bodies are according to the Lower Austrian Anti-Discrimination Act 2017:

  • the province of Lower Austria,
  • the Lower Austrian municipalities and associations of municipalities,
  • the self-governing bodies established by provincial law and
  • other legal entities under public law established by provincial law

Have you discovered a barrier on such a website or app?

The next steps are summarised here:

  1. Please contact the operator of the website/app. You will find the contact details in the website's accessibility statement.
  2. Your request is not dealt with satisfactorily within 2 months? Then you can submit an application to the Lower Austrian Anti-Discrimination Agency (PDF) (external link) for an attempt at mediation due to a lack of accessibility.
  3. The Lower Austrian Anti-Discrimination Agency will carry out the conciliation attempt. If the conciliation attempt is unsuccessful, you can sue for damages due to a lack of accessibility.

Contact information NÖ Antidiskriminierungsstelle

NÖ Antidiskriminierungsstelle
Tel: 02742/9005-16212
More information: NÖ Antidiskriminierungsstelle (external link)